"" Welcome to my thoughts: Appreciate your best talents before they leave

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Appreciate your best talents before they leave

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Recognizing best talent is important to retain top-notch employees. It would be better for a company as well as a manager to have top performers in their team, whom they can count on to produce right results; who can think ahead of what else needs to be done without being told.

We do not see many managers praising or recognizing their employees’ contribution. In fact, they often inadvertently marginalize their top performers and sends unwelcoming messages. As a result, they start seeking for a better opportunity from out side of the organization. Unfortunately managers have difficulties in dealing with their best talents or exceptional performers.

Experts suggest there may be two reasons why managers are unable to deal with best talents. (1) lack of self confidence and (2) lack of imagination. Sometimes when the employee is more energetic and starts performing better, managers feel threatened. Furthermore, these top-notch employees create additional pressure to managers. When it happens, managers start thinking whether I can be his boss, when my employee is smarter? Consequently, such managers demonize top-performing employees and make them frustrate. Naturally incompetent managers do not attract high talents or top-performing employees.

The second reason is that managers not know what to do with them. When the employee completes his tasks ahead of others, managers are not plan next task for him. Therefore, the employee starts engaging with some other job to pass his time.

Ashkenas recommends a guideline to solve this problem;

Ø Remember that hiring and developing people who are smarter than you is one of the best decisions a manager can make. The more talent you have on your team, the higher your performance. There is no substitute for an A-team.

Ø Once you have really good people, take advantage of them. Stretch them. Challenge them. Find out what they are good at — and what they need to learn. Craft assignments that will take them to the next level.

Ø Give your best people credit and visibility. Let others know what they are doing. Remember that they are corporate assets and not just members of your team.

Ø Be willing to let your best people go to new opportunities if it makes sense for their development and learning. Don't push them to leave before they have made a real contribution, but don't needlessly hold on to them either.

Source: HBR


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