"" Welcome to my thoughts: 2009

Thursday, December 31, 2009


New Year

Happy new year to all my friends and visitors. 2009 has already passed and now it is part of history. We learnt many new things, met new people, and discovered impressive stuff. Let us make this new year, 2010 a fortunate year. It has been said that “what you think is what you are”. Let’s start thinking positively, and try to work hard and strengthen our will power.

One thing which very important but we often do not give much attention on it is “procrastination”. It is the enemy of all deadlines - projects, assignments, and exam preparation. We must not let that devil to overpower our inner being.

Let us forgive and forget those nasty people that you met last year. Life is like kind of test in which everyone goes through all sorts of experiences. We must not forget that no matter where you live and where you go, you will see nice and vicious people.

Once again I wish a very happy and prosperous new year to all of you.

SONY DSCCrows gathered to see new year fireworks.



Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Towards a united and harmonious society.

Once a great person has said “harmony is the key of success”, when we’re young we have seen how our parents worked closely with one another to build better society. We hear our parents saying that the diligent contributions made by our grandparents to build relationship with neighbors and weaving every fabric of our society with good manners. Although our ancestors had limited resources, they spent a happy life. They didn’t depend on government to do everything for them, rather they were keen to initiate themselves to build better infrastructure by themselves. Women in the society were the main drivers. They prepare food and drinks while men were working on building harbor. Their contributions were splendid towards their island’s development. When it came to service, they gave priority to their birth place.

Things have changed, all those days have become part of our history. We have forgotten the teaching of our parents and grandparents. We rarely see islanders getting together and working for the betterment of the societies. In fact we see competition within the island and with the neighbors. We don’t see youngsters respecting elders. Now we don’t bother when people in the next door starve with hunger. Familiar faces that were once part of the family are ignored in a deliberate manner. We’re so busy with our own things, and have no time to visit our family members and close relatives. It seems that we have forgotten our tradition which inherited from our ancestors.

What is wrong with us? Who should we blame? Every Individual in our society has a role to play. We have our own responsibilities in building our nation using the inheritance from the past. You have the role to play for the development of our society. During the inauguration of American President John F Kennedy once said “ask not what country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”. Literally it is the motto that our grandparents followed.

Everything that has brought our parents to us may not be applicable in the 21st century; nonetheless humanistic approach could be used to build pleasant society. Since we are living in Islands everyone knows each other very well. Let us all make it a habit to greet each other, wearing a smile on our face and use Islamic manners which came to us from our prophet ( PBUH ) at all times . We need to put aside our political differences and think positively towards our people. We got to tell our children how important our neighbors are .We need to guide them from birth till they are old enough to proceed alone, so that they will be on the track and sure of themselves.

By concluding I would like to call upon all those who are in-charge of bringing up, guiding, teaching and any other aspect of this sort to widen your thoughts about our children. Take the necessary actions before it is too late. By approaching them this way we can mould them the way we want. We can build up our nation by putting a great in raising our children within the limits and boundaries of Islamic faith. May Almighty Allah guide us towards the right path. Aameen.


Monday, December 21, 2009

How to create a free itune account in five steps


Creating an  itune account is a very simple t hing but some find it difficult. Here is a simple approach that you can follow..

Step 1: Go to the app store
Next, go to the app store (it doesn't matter if you don't have an Iphone or Ipod Touch just do it anyways).

Step 2. Pick an app
Now pick a free application of your choice and click on it. There's a column of best free apps if you scroll down a little and look to the right side of the page. I suggest You choose from there.

Step 3: Download the app
Click on GET APP to download the app.

Step 4: Create your account
To download an app, Itunes will ask you to log into your account. Choose to create your account instead. Go through the pages as they come.Here comes the good part. When you get to the payment page, if you look where they ask the method of payment, a new option "none" should be available. Fill out

Step 5: Congratulations!
Congrats, you have just created your own Itunes account. You can now download album artwork and the song of the week and such. Enjoy it!Now if you want, you can go and delete the app that you downloaded. Or you can keep it. It's up to you. Have fun!

Info on: http://www.instructables.com


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Eid Greetings


Wishing you all a happy, joyful, and blessed Eid inshallah.


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Hacked emails add fuel to climate dispute

Hackers steal, release electronic data from top climate research center

WASHINGTON - Hackers broke into the electronic files of one of the world's foremost climate research centers this week and posted an array of e-mails in which prominent scientists engaged in a blunt discussion of global warming research and disparaged climate-change skeptics.

The skeptics have seized upon e-mails stolen from the Climatic Research Unit of the University of East Anglia in Britain as evidence that scientific data have been rigged to make it appear as if humans are causing global warming. The researchers, however, say the e-mails have been taken out of context and merely reflect an honest exchange of ideas.

University officials confirmed the data breach, which involves more than 1,000 e-mails and 3,000 documents, but said they could not say how many of the stolen items were authentic. Read more


އަމިއްލައެދުން ބޮޑު މުނާފިޤު 77 މީހުން

Untitleds ދިވެހިޤައުމުގައި ތިބި އެންމެ އަމިއްލައެދުން ބޮޑު މުނާފިޤު 77 މީހުންނަކީ ކޮބައިތޯ އަހާލައިފިނަމަ ދޭނީކޮން ޖަވާބެއްބާވައޭ ހިތަށް އަރައެވެ. ހަމަ ޔަޤީނުންވެސް އެނގޭއެށް ކަމެށް އޮވެއެވެ. އެއީ އަބަދާއަބަދު ރައްޔިތުންގެ ހައްޤުގައޭ ކިޔައިގެން ހަޅޭލަވާ އަޑުގަދަކުރާބަޔަކު އެއްތާކުން އެންމެ ފަސޭހައިން ފެންނާއީ ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖުލިސްގެ އިމާރާތުގެ ތެރެއިންނެވެ.

ޤައުމުގެ ހައްޤުގައޭ، ރައްޔިތުންގެ ހައްޤުގައޭ، ދަރިންނާ ދަރިންގެ ހައްޤުގައޭ ކިޔައިގެ މިބައިމީހުން ރައްޔިތުންގެ ފައިސާ އަމިއްލަޔަށް ޤަވާއިދެށް ހަދައިގެން ކޮންމެ މަހަކު ނަގަމުން ދާއިރުގައި ލަދުހަޔާތުގެ ކަންފުޅެށްވެސް ނެތީއެވެ.

ޤައުމުގެ ސިވިލްސާވިސްއާއި، މިނިވަން މުއައްސަސާތަކުގެ މީހުންގެ މުސާރަތަށް ކުޑަކުރަމުން ދާއިރު މިބައިގަނޑުގެ މުސާރަ ކުޑަކުރަން މިބައިމީހުން އެއްބަސް ނުވާކަން މިއީ މިބައިމީހުންގެ އަމިއްލަ އެދުން ބޮޑުކަމެށްނޫންތޯއެވެ؟

މިބައިމީހުންު ތިބެގެން ޤައުމުގެ އިޤްތިޞާދު ދަށަށް ދަނިއްޔޭ، ޚަރަދުތަށް ކުޑަކުރާށޭ ކިޔައިގެން ފެލޭއިރު މިބައިމީހުންގެ މިސާރަ ކުޑަކުރަން އެއްބަސް ނުވާކަމީ މިބައިމީހުންގެ މުނާފިޤު ކަމެއްނޫންތޯއެވެ؟

މިބައިމީހުން މަޖުލީހުގެ ޖަލްސާތަކަށް އަޔަސް ނަޔަސް، ގަޑިޖެހުނަށް ނުޖެހުނަސް މިބައިމީހުންނަށް މުސާރަ ލިބެއެވެ. މިއީ މިބައިމީހުން އަމިއްލަޔަށް ޤަވައިދު ހަދައިގެން ރައްޔިތުންގެ ފައިސާތަށް ހަރާންކޯރުވުމެށްނޫންތޯއެވެ؟ އަދި މިބައިމީހުން މިވަރަކުން ފުއްދާލީކީ ނޫނެވެ. މިބައިމީހުންނަކީ ޢިޒާތާއި ކަރާމާތް ބޮޑުކަމުން، އެހެން އާންމު ރަށްޔިތުންނަށް ފާޑުކިޔޭ ބަޔެއްވެސް ނޫނޯލައެވެ.

އަނެއްކަމަކީ މިބައިމީހުން ބޭނުްވެއްޖެ ނަމަ ސަރުކާރުގެ ކޮންމެ ވަޒީރަކުވެސް ވެރިކަމުން ބާލަން ވީއެވެ. ރައީސްވެސް ރައީސް ކަމުން ދުރުކުރަންވީއެވެ. އެކަމަކު މީތަނުން ގޮލަޔަކު ރައްޔިތުން ބޭނުންވެއްޖެނަމަ ބޭލޭނެ ހަމަ އެއްގޮތެށްވެސް އޮންނަ ކަމަށްނުވެއެވެ.

ޤައުމަށް މިހާ ހެޔޮއެދޭ ބަޔެށްނަމަ، ޤައުމުގެ އިޤްތިޞާދު މިހާދަށައްދާއިރު މިބައިމީހުންގެ މުސާރަ ކުޑަކުރަން އެއްބަސްވީހެވެ. ދާދެ މިދާކަށް ދުވަހު މިބައިމީހުން އޮޑިޓަރޖެނެރަލްގެ މުސާރަ ކުޑަކުރީ ޤައުމު ބަނޑަށް ޖެހޭތީއޯލައެވެ. އެކަމަކު މިބައި މީހުންގެ މުސާރަ ކުޑަކުރާ ވާހަކަ ބުނީމާ ކޮންމެ މީހަކުވެސް މޭކަރަސް ފަށައި ބޮލަށް އެނބުރުން އަރައިފިއެވެ.


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Does loyalty really has a place in politics?

Having a loyal person by is everyone’s dream, retaining loyal members is every organization’s strategy, pushing loyalist for the frontline of political arena is a plan of every nasty regime.

Does loyalty really has a place in politics? Is it wise to believe that one who gives his time and commitment are loyalist? If yes, to whom should they be loyal? People of every constituency, the party he belongs to, the nation’s constitution or his own conviction?

Theoretically, “loyalty is appropriate in relationships that demand self-sacrifice without expectation of reward” Duska 2002. So if we could frame this theory to politics, we observe that politicians often expect or demand winning hearts and minds of party members. Therefore, loyalty does not exist in politics.

Nevertheless, researcher Corvino claims that “while loyalty requires a certain degree of tolerance of short comings, it does not require absolute or complete tolerance”. Thus it allows members to break their silence, if he could believe that the party’s decision involves twisted conspiracy. If he does, another issue is that “democratic verdict” – one must agree with the majority.

Last week, the biggest indictment surfaced in the Maldives was emergence of “rat” within Dhivehi Rayyithunge Party – DRP (main opposition party led by former President Maumoon). Alhan Fahmy has been lambasted by his fellow parliamentary members of DRP by casting his vote against party ruling in no-confidence motion against Dr.Shaheedh. He was suspended from party activities and investigations which are going on. So, is he loyal to DRP and its members? According to him that he himself investigated the issue from the scratch, and had not found anyways that he could agree with DRP ruling. In fact, its worth to note that he has also agreed and signed the letter before it was sent to Majlis regarding the no-confidence vote against Dr.Shaheed.

Last Friday, speaking to DhiFM 101 programme, he said that “till the very last moment I did not decide whether I should be voting for or against DRP. And very last moment I decided to vote against party’s decision”, that means he had “moral imagination” - what would happen if he could put party’s interest before his own convictions and belief. It’s obvious that in that situation any of his decisions would involve “dirty hand”- is a situation in which even when you do the morally right thing, you have also done something morally wrong.

Since he knew that he wasn’t be voting in favour of DRP, so why did he sign the document without reproving party’s stance at first?

Can we say that he signed it just to “save his face”, if not, can’t we argue that he changed his mind due to third party influence?

Since loyalty doesn’t require absolute tolerance, he has every right to justify his stance to DRP parliamentary group as well as ordinary members.


Saturday, November 7, 2009


މިއަދު ވިންޑޯޒް ރައިޓަރ އަޅައިގެން ދިވެހިބަހުން ބޮލޮގް އެންޓްރީއެށް ލިޔެވޭތޯ މިއުޅެނީ . މީގެ ކުރިން މިކަހަލަ ސޮފްޓްވެއަރއެށް ހުންނަ ކަމެށް ނޭނގޭ، އެކަމު އެމް އެސް އެން ބޭނުންކޮށްކޮށް މިހާރު މުސްކުޅިވަނީ. އަސްލު އެމް އެސް އެން ލައިވް އިންސްޓޯލް ކުރާއިރުގައި މީހެ ވާހަކަވެސް އޮވޭ އެކަމު ބޮލަށް ބީތާ އަރާފަ ހުންނަންޏާ ނުފެންނާނެތާދޯ.

ދެންއޮތީ މިސޮފްޓްވެއަރ ގެ ވާހަކަ… މީގައި ވަރަށް ބަލާބޮޑު ބަޔެށްކަންތަށްތަށް ހުރި ކަމުގައި ވިޔަސް ޖުމްލަ ގޮތެށްގައި ވަރަށް ގައްޑާއޭ ބުނެވޭނި. މީތި ވަތަށް ބަލާބޮޑޭ މިބުނަނީ މީގައި ލިޔާއިރު އެއްވެސް އިބިފިއްޔެށް އެއްކޮށެށް ނުފެނޭ، އެހެންވީމަ ލިޔެވުނީ ރަނގަޅަށްތޯ ބެލޭނެ ގޮތެށް ނުފެނޭ. ދެން އަނެށް ބަލާވެރި ކަމަކީ އަބަފިލިގޮސް އޮންނަނީ މަތީ ފޮޅުވަތުގައި ލެޑިފަ، މިހެންވީމައި އަބަފިލި ފެނުމުގައިވެސް މައްސަލައެއް އުޅޭކަމަށް ފާހަގަ ކުރެވޭ. ދެން އޮތް އަނެށްމަސަލައަކީ ދިވެހި މި ލިޔަނީ ކަނާތުން ވާތަށް، އެކަމު މީގައި ލިޔާއިރު މުޅިންވެސް މިލިޔެވެނީ ވާތުން ކަނާތަށް. އެކަމު ބެކް ސްޕޭސް ނުހެދިޔަސް ބަރާބަރަށް ބަސްތަށް އެތުރޭ.

ދެންއޮތީ ހަމަ އަބަދުވެސް ކުރިމަތިވާ މައްސަލަ މިފަހަރުގެ މިވާގޮތަކީ އަދިވެސް ދިވެހި ބަހުން ނުބައިކޮށް ލިޔެވިއްޖެޔާ ނުބައި ކަމަކަށް ނުދައްކާ، ރަނގަޅަށް ލިޔުނަސް ނުބައކޮށް ލިޔުނަސް އޮންނަނީ ރަތް ރޮނގު ދަމާފަ، މިމަސަލަ ކޮންމެ އެއްޗެއްގައި ލިޔުނަސް ކުރިމަތިވޭ.

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Maldivian Mujahid fighting in Pakistan

According to local media Ali Jaleel (Mus'ab Sayyid) was among one who was involved in an coordinated suicide attack unleashed in Pakistan on 27th May 2009.
At least 30 people including four officials of Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) and 14 policemen were killed while over 300 injured, scores of them critically, in the deadliest attack that completely destroyed Rescue 15 building and partially damaged ISI headquarters on Wednesday morning.
The terror operation started at 10:21am and ended at 10:24 am and within these three minutes the attackers accomplished their task. Three terrorists also died in the shootout and the blast, the police officials said. It has been learnt that one ISI Colonel was also killed in the attack. (read more on attack)
It was the first video footage of a Maldivian involved in such deadly attack. The present of the Maldives has recently told in an interview with CNN IBN that hundreds of Maldivian were being recruited by the Taliban. And further he states that at least 12 Maldivian had died in the war being waged in Wazeeristan. However Maldivian students studying in the Pakistan has rejected the president's comment.
The president's interview were highly criticized by opposition stating that such interview will have long term impact in Maldives Tourism and stability of the country. And also they believe that the figures he has given were too high, and its just a story made by his administration to win western government.
Nonetheless this video footage confirmed that Maldivians were also being recruited by the Al-Qaida's military.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I Believe in You by Don Williams

I don't believe in superstars,

Organic food and foreign cars.

I don't believe the price of gold;

The certainty of growing old.

That right is right and left is wrong,

That north and south can't get along.

That east is east and west is west.

And being first is always best.

But I believe in love.

I believe in babies.

I believe in Mom and Dad.

And I believe in you.

Well, I don't believe that heaven waits,

For only those who congregate.

I like to think of God as love:

He's down below, He's up above.

He's watching people everywhere.

He knows who does and doesn't care.

And I'm an ordinary man,

Sometimes I wonder who I am.

But I believe in love.

I believe in music.

I believe in magic.

And I believe in you.

Well, I know with all my certainty,

What's going on with you and me,

Is a good thing.

It's true, I believe in you.

I don't believe virginity,

Is as common as it used to be.

In working days and sleeping nights,

That black is black and white is white.

That Superman and Robin Hood,

Are still alive in Hollywood.

That gasoline's in short supply,

The rising cost of getting by.

But I believe in love.

I believe in old folks.

I believe in children.

I believe in you.

But I believe in love.

I believe in babies.

I believe in Mom and Dad.

And I believe in you.

Lyrics from CowboyLyrics.com


Thursday, October 29, 2009

What matters to you most?

Imaging that you're on a holiday, and walking on the beach during the sunny day…. Wherever you looked at you probably will see beautiful hot chicks in bikini lying on the beach. Of cause some were topless… wow. But they were lying on chest down…………hahahah.. too bed.. anyway

If someone stares at them most cases they won't really bother, in fact it could be distressed. In most extreme cases some chicks will try to show them… you know what I mean right.. hahaha

Let's change the scenario; same hot chicks you have seen on the beach yesterday.. but this time they were in a Shopping Mall. Now, do you think they will show what they wore inside? One might say yes…. Do you think that they won't take any seriously if someone stares at them? That old same voyeur might say yes!!

In this case majority chicks don't like others to see what they wore as undergarments. I really don't understand why they act differently in this situation….

So my question is what matters to them most in these two cases? is it because they don't want spoil their holiday by arguing with others or whether to show or not to show is based on how majority people behave in both scenarios…

Upskirt at Oktoberfest - Full Movie from DirtyPierre on Vimeo.


Another story

This is very unique thing I figured it out in Maldives… again relating to same hot chick hahaha.. guess what???

This time chicks were on their "natural break" and when they go to buy "sanitary pad" for them, most cases shopkeeper will parcel it before handed it to customers. Isn't it wonderful???? This is very common especially in the Islands.

So again, I was wondering what was the rationale behind this? Is it because these chicks don't want other to know that they were on break…. Or just they don't like its original packaging?? Honestly I never see this in any other counties I ever travelled…


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Political Stereotyping..

Since we all are descendents of Adam, and he was disobeyed God by eating from an unauthorized tree, does it imply that we all are sinful for his act? This is what exactly I thought when I skimmed through the article. In it she says that Anni family should be responsible for the inglorious military cue brought by November 3, 1988.

If she is so sure about it why does she not file the case against him and try to topple him down? According to our constitution, such convict will not be eligible as head of the state.

We often criminalized whole family because of one person’s misconduct or behaviour. I would say these sorts of perceptual narrowing must be eradicated in our society.

Since Gayyoom has severed our nation as a president for 30 years, and we often see people pointing out their fingers at his whole family with obnoxious eye.

It’s obvious that if you have had ill-treated or have done something to someone, it’s probable that you and your family would be criminalized by the victims.

Nevertheless, in our society we do not see any constructive evidence when people start to criminalize others, this is unacceptable.

Baseless criminalization would be dangerous, and it could fuel for hetaerism and dissonance in the society.

For the past 5 years we have been experienced politicians criminalizing whole party or an individual candidate of specific parties due to calling for demonstration criticizing particular party of individual; nonetheless we have also seen giving warm-welcome for those who criminalized others, when they change their course.

I am not trying to convince you that neither Anni nor Gayyoom has any drawbacks in their political career.


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Climate change and Sea level rising controversial issue..

When I was reading Maldives' underwater cabinet meeting was a sorry stunt" I was really puzzled. I had an impression why former and current administrations were so busy with putting their own citizen on psychological trauma just for the sake of publicity and to seek international Aid.

I do believe some Islands were badly experiencing problem of soil erosion, and government is forced to find some permanent solution for it.

Since global warming and sea level rising is controversial issue, but it's certain that if world's natural resources is not being increased proportionality with the increasing population, it's possible to face some detrimental impact to our life style.

Some scientist believes sun is the mean driver of climatic change, on other hand others claim that it's due to industrial activity.

Please click here to download research paper done by Moner, Tooley and Possnert on New perspectives of the future of the Maldives. According to this research in the past people of the Maldives has survived a higher sea level of about 50-60 cm…


Sunday, October 18, 2009

In need of Google wave….

It's been long time I had been looking for Google wave account. Almost every single day and night I used to implore for an invitation as many as 20 or more ppl. So far all my attempts were failed. Some people had told me that they will send and often obtain my mail id, but I didn't receive anything other than some sorts of spam. It was embarrassing…

Since Google wave is so demanding, I was wondering why Google team decided "invitation method" to introduce it. This is what they did when they had introduced gmail at first time. It was another embarrassing experience which I went through that I didn't want to talk about…

I still have high hope getting it soon…


Saturday, October 17, 2009

First ever underwater cabinet meeting

World's first ever underwater cabinet meeting held in the island nation of the Maldives today. It was one of the many activities organized by Maldivian government in association with 350.org, a non-profit organization working against climate change and Divers Association of the Maldives. The president and his fellow ministers were 5meters underwater and meeting lasts for 30 minutes.

President and his team have had weeks of immense trainings to get ready for this historical event held today at Girifushi lagoon. The President and his ministers were signed a document urging the rest of the nations in the world to combat against climate change.

After the meeting, the president gave news conference while he's in the lagoon. Speaking to the reporters President said that if world leaders failed to succeed Copenhagen summit, which is to be held on December 10, would face a disastrous outcome.

It's been announced that the dive gear used by them is to be auctioned, and its funds will be spend for environment related activities. watch the meeting on Youtube

President speaking to reporters after the meeting
President speaking to reporters after the meeting President swiming towards beach after the meeting President signing the official document President signing the official document President signing his diver gear President and Vice president at the training room


Thursday, October 15, 2009

How to Handle the Pessimist on Your Team

by Amy Gallo

Turning Negativity into Productivity Dealing with a pessimist on your team can be a frustrating and time-consuming experience. Attempts to ignore or counter frequent negative comments may simply incite further negativity. Good news: by being proactive you can help the pessimist change his behavior and enable your team to achieve greater productivity.

What the Experts Say The first step is to figure out what is causing your team member's negativity. Roderick Kramer, William R. Kimball Professor of Organizational Behavior at Stanford Graduate School of Business, says that it is the role of the leader to understand the underlying cause of the pessimism before acting. "Some people are dispositional pessimists whose knee-jerk reaction is to see the negative in everything, while others may be expressing a pessimistic point of view based upon informed logic," Kramer says. Some common sources of pessimism include resentment at not having been promoted, a need for attention, or a need to cover for a lack of knowledge or skill. Read more


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Unsafe SCUBA Diving could be deadly …

When I saw my friend's (Ayya) facebook status update, it caught me by surprise. It says that "Mohamed Thaleeem was dead due to irresponsible diving". Mohamed (Mode) is distant relative of my gurl, and everyone in his family was really kind for me when I was with them during the presidential election 2008.

Since I'm a certified dive master and based on my experience I am pretty sure that SCUBA diving is also one of the safest activities, if one follows the proper procedures and guidelines. It's sad to say that SCUBA diving with no proper training is common in some parts of the Maldives, especially among for those who search for lobster, echinoderms as a profession. And number of deadly incident happens every year.

According to my friend, Mode was with his group searching for echinoderms and he didn't complain for to any sorts of sickness before and during their trip. As usual they paired and went for searching echinoderms and he signaled his buddy that something was going wrong with him and asked for quick ascend. And during his assent he lost his consciousness and found that he was dead.

What went wrong with him was a mystery, since he was unconscious when he reached to surface, and there was no post-mortem to identify cause of death.

My earnest advice for all of my friend is pls do the proper training and follow the diving rules when you do it.

May Allah bless him and rest in peace.


Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama awarded 2009 Nobel Peace Prize

President Barack Obama made history again Friday, winning the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize for his "extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."The Norwegian Nobel Committee recognized Obama's efforts to solve complex global problems, including working toward a world free of nuclear weapons. "Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," the committee said."His diplomacy is founded in the concept that those who are to lead the world must do so on the basis of values and attitudes that are shared by the majority of the world's population," it said. Obama's recognition comes less than a year after he became the first African-American to win the White House. He is the fourth U.S. president to win the prestigious prize and the third sitting president to do so. >Read more


Saturday, September 26, 2009

How to make any application portable

Step 1- Download Winrar and install in your computer. Its available in here

Step 2- Download Universal extractor and install in your computer. Its available in here

Step 3- Download any application from internet that you want to make portable . It has not come with DVD or CD. It must have single installer file.

Step 4- take out all program in installer – all you need to do is.... select the installer and give right click and from the manu select "UniExtract Here".

Step 5- Select everything that you have extracted, and give right click and select "addarchieve".

Step 6- Change name of Achieve eg. (name).rar. and you must tick "Create SFX archive", and compression method should be best,.

Step 7-go to Advance tab and select "SFX options".. and go back to original software application to copy its name [name looks like (eg. MSN Messenger.exe)]. Copy this name and paste on run after extraction field (which you find on advance tab—SFX Options)

Step 8- Go to Mode option and tick the Unpack to temporary folder, and on Silent mode select Hide all, and choose override all files and hit OK button and choose Ok again.

Now you can see single .exe file. To use the application give double click on it... thats it... enjoy

Any time you wanna take this program just save this to your pendrive and take to school or wherever you wanna take…


Friday, September 18, 2009

Power, PoliticsThe Maldives

Maldives is a small country comprising of 1191 tiny islands in the Indian Ocean. The population of Maldives is around 300,000 excluding 100,000 workers who are not Maldivians. The Maldivian people are predominately Sunni Muslims. US interests in Maldives has brought the country in the limelight. US Ambassador to Maldives, Robert Blake who is presently doing as US Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asia has already submitted a report on Maldives to President Barack Hussain Obama in which a legal framework has been drafted to supply weapons and high-tech equipments in order to serve the American interests in the region. In other words, Maldives which was being secretly armed by US to bring western styled democracy would be openly provided military assistance within next couple of weeks. According to a well chalked out plan some of the American missionaries have been encouraged to settle down in Maldives to attain Maldivian nationalities. US businessmen and social workers are being granted special privileges to settle down in Maldives. It has been targeted that the strength of Americans holding Maldivian nationalities should make around 1,000 persons by the end of this decade. A long term plan includes construction of US marine bases and shelters on at least two Maldivian islands. In fact US is also concerned about Chinese interest in Maldives as both countries enjoy good diplomatic relations and China has also support from Maldives on the issues related to Taiwan, Tibet, Xinjiang, and human rights. US is also concerned about last week's visit of Zhang Gaoli, who was leading a delegation of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on a three-day visit to this Island as he met Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed and delivered special message of Chinese President Hu Jintao.

US President Barack Obama has signed a presidential determination on September 7, 2009 for his Secretary of State to transmit it to the Congress, saying "the furnishing of defence articles and defence services to the Maldives will strengthen the security of the United States and promote world peace." Soon after the commitment announced by US President, Robert Blake said that occasionally terrorists try to make use of the Maldivian territory, and thus there is need for the US to help Maldives to monitor its territories. He categorically said that "Maldives faces a number of challenges. First of all there are terrorists that come through the Maldives, transit through the Maldives." These developments are not without the warrant. Interestingly, US think tanks and security experts are airing a lot of propaganda for their fear that that island resorts could be taken China, which according to some reports is keen to establish a naval base at one of its islands by 2010. It is interesting to note that in the end of August 2009, Indian Defence Minister A K Antony visited Maldives and concluded an understanding for greater level of cooperation between the two countries. New Delhi plans to help Maldives set up a network of ground radars in all its 26 coral islands and link them with the Indian military surveillance systems, the project jointly funded by US and Israel. India has also agreed to provide helicopters to Maldives. In another development Maldives Interior Minister Muhammad Shoaib visited Pakistan and concluded a number of understandings and agreements. The important outcome of the visit was that Maldives requested Islamabad to train its Police which was hounored by Pakistan.

Maldives is a Non-aligned developing country, which needs food, shelter and health services and not arms and ammunition. The so called democratic government of President Nasheed is increasing the prices of commodities to import weapon. If this is democracy, one might fear that dictatorship in Maldives was better than this democracy. US is projecting its presence in Maldives on the grounds that Maldives faces a number of challenges, the prime being that there are terrorists that come through and transit through the Maldives but so far Washington has neither identified these terrorists nor has disclosed the nature of threat US faces from terrorist in Maldives. US claims that Maldives must maintain an ability to monitor what is going on in their seas as one of the major sea lanes in the world passes through them. US, China and India are competing for bases in the Indian Ocean. India recently gave Maldives additional economic and military aid. India is increasing its military and intelligence collaboration with Sri Lanka, where China is seeking to obtain basing rights for warships. Both Maldives and Sri Lanka are located off the southern tip of India and posses serious threat to India if these countries provide Chinese ships with bases in the middle of the Indian Ocean. US is backing India to have firm grip in these two countries so that China is isolated. In this power politics the looser would be no one but Maldives. Maldives should stay neutral and needs not to link itself with any power. In case it forgoes its Non-aligned status, very soon it will loose its identity, integrity and sovereignty.

You can find same article on Kasmir Watch: By Afshain Afzal.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Just for fun: Life is too short.....

Nothing will last forever, beauty, charm, smooth skins, creamy white teeth and strenth these things will fly away like a mirage… let’s have a look when some of the amazing characters, how they look like when they get old… . If these characters were living being today, it is very likely that they look like this.....
Batman and Robin
Barbie doll 50 years old.
Wonder women
Tweety Bird is 60 years old!
Life is short, break the rules, forgive sooner, love with true love, laugh without control and always keep smiling. Maybe life is not the party that we were expecting, but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance....."


Saturday, September 12, 2009

100 things about me

1. Last beverage = Grape Juice
2. Last phone call = Maeesha Mahir
3. Last text message =
@ Maee
4. Last song you listened to =
You gotta lift by Shannol
5. Last time you cried = I guess that was last year (2008)

6. Dated someone twice = Nop
7. Been cheated on = Yeah
8. Kissed someone & regretted it = Yeah
9. Lost someone special = Yap. GrandPa
10. Been depressed = Sometimes…
11. Been drunk and threw up = Nop. Cox I don't drink

12. Orange
13. White
14. Light Cream

15. Made a new friend = Yes. Ynita, Nicole, Melissa, Nur… a lot
16. Fallen out of love = No
17. Laughed until you cried = Yeah.
19. Found out who your true friends were = Yeah
20. Found out someone was talking about you = Yeah… cox they admitted to me lolx
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list = Nop
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life = most of them
23. How many kids do you want to have = Four…
24. Do you have any pets = Yeah… my pillow hahah
25. Do you want to change your name = Yeah.. Ali bin Adam Yoosuf
26. What did you do for your last birthday = Went Pawning with Sarah Lee
27. What time did you wake up today = 17:30… cox I went bed at around 10 am..
28. What were you doing at midnight last night =
chatting and twitting, Facebooking and Doing Industrial Relation (Singapore) assignment…and of cox cooking
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = Meet my Maee
30. Last time you saw your Mother = Two Years back
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life? = my luck
32. What are you listening to right now… m not listening anything…
33. Have you ever talked to a person named James = Yeah
34. What's getting on your nerves right now = Assignments due dates…
35. Most visited webpage = Facebook and BBC and of cox twitter
36. Whats your real name =
Ali Adam
37. Nicknames = Ayya, Ali, Adam, Abbas, Dhonik, Latin, Kalhey..
38. family members = 7 siblings
39. Zodiac sign = Virgo
40. Male or female? = obviously male
41. Profession:
Human Resources, Cooking
42. education level: Bachelor of Commence (Major HRM + Management) on going..
43.College/University = Yeah.. Currently at Curtin University of Technology (Singapore Campus)
44. Hair colour = Black
45. Long or short = I would say I'm tall
46. Height = 5ft 6" I guess
47. Do you have a crush on someone? = Yeah
48: What do you like about yourself? = My Cleanliness and Orderly manner
49. Piercings = Non.
50. Tattoos = Non. And don't want
51. Righty or lefty = Righty

52. First surgery = Circumcision
53. First piercing = NON!!
54. First best friend = Ayya
55. First sport you joined = Football.. I think..
56. First vacation = not remember..
58. First pair of trainers = Salley, and Ishanttey

59. Eating = Writing this
60. Drinking = Not drinking (cox I am fasting right now…)
61. I'm about to = Post this and sleep cox now morning 6 am. I didn't sleep yet..
62. Listening to = Tweet.. cox this is morning time
63. Waiting for = my lovely… lolx

64. Want kids?= Yeah of cox
65. get married?= Yes. Of course.
66. Career? =
Trainer, Coach, Teacher

67. Lips or eyes? = Eye
68. Hugs or kisses? = Hugs
69. Shorter or taller? = Whatever
70. Older or Younger? = Older
71. Romantic or spontaneous ? = Romantic
72. Nice stomach or nice arms? = Nice stomach
73. Sensitive or loud ? = Sensitive
74. Hook-up or relationship? = Relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant? = Trouble maker… if you were wrong..

76. Kissed a stranger? = Yeah
77. Drank hard liquor? = Nop…cox I don't believe in it
78. Lost mobile? = Yeah.. my first one.. it was stolen
79. Have you ever lied to your parents? Sometimes… yeah
80. Broken someone's heart? = I am not a Surgeon.. hehhe not sure
81. Had your own heart broken? = Nop
82. Been arrested? = Nop.. cox Insha Allah I am not a criminal, and never ever be..
83. Turned someone down? = Yes.
84. Cried when someone died? = Yeah my grand pa
85. Fallen for a friend? = Nop

86. Yourself? = Of cox…
87. Miracles? = Yeah… but those from Allah only…
88. Love at first sight? = Nop
89. Heaven? = Yeah
90. Santa Claus?= Of cox not, cox I am not a christian
91. Kiss on the first date?= Nop
92. Angels? = Of cox, believe in it is a must to be a muslim.

94. Had more than 1 boyfriend/girlfriend at a time? = Nop..
95. Did you sing today? = I think so.. but very quietly.. lolx
96. Ever cheated on somebody? = Yeah.. our lecturers… Sometimes they were irritating..
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go? = My first day in this world…… lolx
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be? = Day Anni was elected as a president…
99. Are you afraid of falling in love? = Yeah.. cox I don't wanna loose my Maee
100. Who do you want to tag? Everyone on earth.. Unfortunately I can't.. so better not to tag anyone…


A New Rule for the Workplace

A few months ago Peter's wife Eleanor came home upset after an incident with one of the parents at their daughter's school. That afternoon, when Eleanor said hello to Michelle, Michelle completely ignored her. Thinking maybe Michelle hadn't heard her, Eleanor said hello again, this time louder. Again, no response. Michelle wasn't speaking on the phone or in a conversation with another parent. She was able to respond, she just refused to. Eleanor was getting the silent treatment. Not one to give up, she said hello a third time. Finally, Michelle mumbled something without looking up and walked away.

Eleanor wasn't friends with Michelle. They had only spoken a few times in the past, most notably when she called Eleanor to complain about something their daughter did. Still, she was thrown off balance by Michelle's cold shoulder. It was one of those small things that's hard to get out of your mind. She wasn't expecting it.

We are constantly shocked by the things other people say and do or by the things they don't say and don't do. How can my boss have ignored me? How can my colleague have taken the credit? How can my employee have made that mistake? Can you believe my manager said that to me in front of all those other people? How can my partner be so inconsiderate? Why doesn't my spouse appreciate what I do for her?

When coaching executives or mediate conflicts between leaders, each person is always amazed at how the other people behave. This has led to a very simple conclusion.

The problem is not us. And it's not them. The problem is our expectations.

It's not that people behave well or badly. It's that we expect them to behave differently than they do. Even when they have proven our expectation wrong time and time again.

At this point, should you still be surprised when your boss for the 100th time doesn't invite you to a meeting? Or when you send a colleague a nice email and it goes unanswered? Again.

Here's my advice: don't go to a hardware store and get upset when they won't sell you milk.

In this case, the answer to frustration is acceptance. It's amazing how changing your expectations can change your experience.

Because the world is more global and organizations are more diverse, the likelihood we will interact with people very different from us is increasing exponentially. And people who are different from us do things we don't expect or want them to do. Sometimes they don't look at us when we speak to them. Sometimes they talk back. Sometimes they don't talk at all. They defy our expectations, and we feel frustrated.

Remember the golden rule? Treat other people the way you'd like to be treated? Forget it. It doesn't apply anymore, if it ever did. Try this new rule instead: Treat other people the way they'd like to be treated.

If you don't like to be micromanaged, for example, you probably try to avoid micromanaging others. But there are some times and some places where that would be a mistake. Like India, for example.

According to Mike Schell, co-author of the excellent book, Managing Across Cultures: The 7 Keys to Doing Business with a Global Mindset, Indian workers prefer — and expect — to be micromanaged. Mike told recently: "That ultimate sin of Western managers is the best way to get things accomplished in some cultures. Once you begin to treat people the way they want to be treated, you'll find the results much more rewarding. When operating in a new country, we don't just need word translators. We need people translators."

In some cultures it's important for meetings to start on time. In others, it makes no difference. In some cultures it's rude to interrupt. In others, it's simply the norm. Understanding other people's expectations can help you reset your own. And that helps you work with them more effectively.

When American guy sitting in a meeting with Yukiko, Japanese partner, and she doesn't speak, he might assume she agrees with what he saying. But he would be wrong. It's not that she agrees with him, it's just that she would never disagree with him in public. If he understand that, he won't be surprised when she doesn't follow through.

Still it's almost easier to understand Yukiko because he from New York and she's from Tokyo. He expects her to be different.

But Chris in the office next door? Who's also from New York? That's a different story. he shouldn't need instructions on what to expect from him.

Each one of us is, in effect, from a different culture. We have different parents, different teachers, different experiences, different hopes and dreams, successes and failures. Even if we understand the same words, we're still speaking different languages.

So instead of getting frustrated with other people, learn their rules of engagement. If you pretend each person is from a foreign country you don't fully understand, you'll be more open to accepting him or her.

Think of every interaction as an experiment that explains a little bit more about the individual you're dealing with. Then, when someone defies your expectations, don't get mad. Just change your expectations to more accurately align with reality. Once you understand your colleagues' operating instructions, you might decide to approach them differently. Use different words. Be more or less aggressive.

Or you might decide to leave — to go and work somewhere else with other people. Because once you accept your colleagues, once you realize you simply can't buy milk at a hardware store, you might decide you don't want to be in a hardware store at all. It’s not that people can't change. In fact you're setting yourself up if you expect them to.

"Do you think Peter should call Michelle to talk with her about this afternoon?" Eleanor asked Peter, still stewing over getting the cold shoulder.

"That depends,” Perter answered, "will you be OK with it when she blows you off?"

Source: Peter Bregman


Saturday, August 8, 2009

You gotta lift...


Sunday, August 2, 2009

Life after human or Modified version... but still called "Human"

In the light of Adrian Stuart,

Today, we are modifying and augmenting our bodies and abilities in ways which were not only impossible 100 years ago, but unfathomable.

If at this point in time, you happen to be young and a city-dwelling citizen of a rich, technologically advanced country, it’s unlikely that you will appreciate how truly distant the world of your grandparents is to your current existence. In some cases, your grandparents may have lived in homes with mud floors, without electricity, running water, antibiotics and of course, no internet. Not too long ago, your relatives may have grown their own food and made their own clothes. Many of the grandparents of which we speak, born around the World War II era, are currently engaged in knee and hip replacement surgery, cataract operations, organ transplants - and with an access to pharmaceuticals with properties that would have been astonishing not too long ago.

What will the future hold for someone who is 10 years old today? One possible vision of life after the next hundred years is described by a group of people who believe that the concept of being ‘human’ is about to become a cloudy issue. These are the posthumanists. The basic idea of a posthuman is someone who once was a human – or one of their ancestors was a human – but this future person has now modified themselves to the point where they are not quite the same as we are today.

What would such a person be like? In which ways could an individual modify themselves so that they would become ‘different’ than human?

Some of the ways in which the idea of human-ness is changing are already with us: moving slowly but present nonetheless. For example, knee and hip surgery and artificial organs – these are clearly not ‘parts of us’, yet we use them as replacements for organs that have been damaged or failed. In the future, replacement parts grown through nanotechnology may lead to even better mechanical replacements that we can produce at this time. Further in the future, biology and nanotechnology together may produce replacement organs which are indistinguishable from the original – but young and healthy. Continuing on further, there is no necessity to stop at the elements of the body which we currently view as ‘hardware’ – parts of the brain as they are fail or are injured can be replaced.

This, of course, opens up a very interesting debate. At what point does a person stop being a ‘human’ – or even, at which point does a person stop being ‘themselves?’

Stephen Pinker, a cognitive neuroscientist presents this question within a very old story told by the Greek, Plutarch, in the 1st century CE.

"The ship wherein Theseus and the youth of Athens returned [from Crete] had thirty oars, and was preserved by the Athenians down even to the time of Demetrius Phalereus, for they took away the old planks as they decayed, putting in new and stronger timber in their place, insomuch that this ship became a standing example among the philosophers, for the logical question of things that grow; one side holding that the ship remained the same, and the other contending that it was not the same."

Pinker takes The Ship of Theseus paradox a step further. What if, asks Pinker, a nanomachine could be produced that could perfectly duplicate the process of an actual neuron. Surgeons would replace one of your neurons with this tiny device – and you notice no difference. They then replace a second, then a third and so on. You feel no different, your perceptions and memory remain the same.

What would you feel if the new neurons had the ability to recall anything that you had ever perceived – which of course, felt just as you were thinking it with your own brain? Is it not, still, your own brain?

Ultimately, every cell in the body could be replaced by the new nano-cell. This cell, of course, would function at least as well as the one it replaced, and it would have the additional benefit that it too could be replaced in case of damage – in effect, a kind of immortality. Pinker has described a possible surgical technique that would lead to a posthuman state.

Still, we must remind ourselves that the potential posthuman reality as described in this article will arrive in series of small steps. Again, some of these can already be observed in their infancy. Science and technology is giving us the ability to manipulate our cells by genetic engineering; psychoactive drugs enable us to have enhanced memory or cognitive abilities, even items as innocuous as a mobile phone are essentially ‘external memory storage’ devices, replacing what we could keep in our own memory.

What is certain, is that the arrival of any new technology will have deep and far reaching effects - and it is obvious that whatever the future holds, taking the time now to discuss, debate and help shape the way forward is an investment opportunity not to be lost.


Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Maldives: A New & Happy Era

This article was posted on Times Magazine. Friday, August 6, 1965.
If someone remarked that the Maldives became free last week, one might certainly be pardoned for asking, "Oh, really? How much had they cost before?" Nevertheless last week the Maldives, a collection of 2,000 coral islands in the Indian Ocean, became free.

Even the British, who had drawn up the independence papers long ago, were unprepared for the event. There was no Union Jack that could be dramatically rung down. None of the Queen's relatives were there. The ceremony was not even held in the Maldives. It took place, quite unexpectedly, when Sultan Ibrahim Nasir appeared at the door of the British High Commissioner's home in Ceylon and said he was ready to sign. He was sorry to arrive without warning, said Nasir, but he hadn't expected to be coming to Colombo so soon. He had made the three-day boat trip only because he needed to see a dentist.

Independence was hardly a burning issue to the Maldives, whose 95,000 Moslems mostly fish. Although the British had held them as a protectorate since 1887, the islands had always governed themselves, and the British had never even sent an administrator to their capital at Male. Britain's only responsibilities, in fact, were the conduct of Maldivian foreign affairs (nonexistent) and defense (unnecessary). Its only interest was the R.A.F. runway on the island of Gan, which it will retain as a steppingstone to Southeast Asia.

"I am confident," Commonwealth Relations Secretary Arthur Bottomley told Parliament in London last week, "that this will mark the beginning of a new and happy era in Anglo-Maldivian relations." But even that did not seem very likely. Rather than join the worldwide stampede of newly emerging nations, the Maldives seem intent on submerging. They are not going to join the Commonwealth. They have not applied for membership in the United Nations. Nor, apparently, will they seek diplomatic relations with any nation anywhere. The closest thing the Maldivians have to a foreign service, in fact, is a Male fish trader who has set himself up in business in Ceylon


Monday, June 15, 2009


After hectic and lonely seven months, today exam was finally over and now heading to home country for one month. Nevertheless, there are many things I got to settle before I hit to that “deserted Island” (in terms of technology) Haahahah ……

Though Dhiraagu warless is available but the service is like a “Amaabuneethee farah dhaa usoolun”, In fact it’s better to say there is no connection at all, so I must stay out of all social networking sites and most importantly MSN and my mail for 33 days..… for me a single day without internet is like one long year… but I think can manage if I could engaged with some other activities. .


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Women spend over Four Years on phone calls

Chatterbox girls spend more than FOUR Years of their lives on the phone. Women will make or receive an average of 288,000 calls in their lifetime, research shows. Those calls last a total of 42,000 hours — or 4.75 years. Men spend considerably less time yapping away — their 277,000 calls in a lifetime take up 28,500 hours or 3.25 years.

A study found that 55 per cent of Brits’ calls are work-related, with 45 per cent for personal reasons.

But we take twice as long over personal calls, which last about ten minutes on average whereas business calls are usually over in less than five minutes.

The research alsow showed British women are biggest gasbags, spending an incredible 14 hours 16 minutes a week talking on either mobile or landline.

Scouse girls are next most talkative, with weekly chats of 13 hours 48 minutes, followed by Brummies on 13 hours 27 minutes. The study, for mobile phone recycler phonepiggybank.com, found that half of people have a relative who hogs the phone.

It also revealed that eight out of ten lie in order to end a call from a motormouth. Favourite excuse is “Someone’s at the door” — followed by “I’ve got a pan on the hob” and “The kids are playing up”.

Seven out of ten have ignored their phone because they don’t want to talk to the caller, and 42 per cent let calls go to voicemail.

One in three thinks it is unacceptable to call after 10pm, and just 15 per cent are happy taking calls until midnight.

Nearly one in five has landed in hot water by leaving saucy or shocking messages on the WRONG number.

A spokesman for phonepiggybank.com said: “The figures are remarkable. It’s very easy to lose track of time while chatting on the phone, and it seems women are more prone to this than men.”


Friday, May 15, 2009

މަޖުލިހުގެ އިންތިހާބު، ލިބުނީ ކޮންފިލާވަޅެއް؟

ނިމިދިޔަ ރިޔާސީ އިންތިޙާބަކީ އެއްގޮތަކަށްވުރެ ގިނަގޮތްގޮތުން ފާހަގަ ކުރެވޭ ތާރީޙީއިންތިހާބެކެވެ. އަދި ހަމަ އެހެންމެ ގިނަގުނަ ޢިބުރަތްތެރި އެތަކެއް ފިލާވަޅުތަކެއް ލިބިގެންދިޔަ އިންތިހާބެއްވެސް މެއެވެ. މިގޮތުން މުސްތަޤުބަލުގައި އިންތިހާބުތަކުގައި ކެންޑިޑޭޓުން ހޮވުމާއި ކެންޕޭން ކުރުމުގައި ގެންގުޅެންޖޭހޭނެ ސްޓުރެޓެޖީތަކާއި ގެންގުޅެގެން ނުވާނެ ސުޓުރެޓެޖީތަށް ވަރަށްވެސް ފާޅުކަން ބޮޑުގޮތެށްގައި އަޅުގަނޑުމެންނަށް އެނގިގެން ގޮސްފައިވާ އިންތިހާބެވެ. ފުރަތަމަ ފަހަރަށް ރާއްޖޭގައި ބޭއްވުނު މަލްޓިޕާޓީ އިލެކްޝަންވެސް މެއެވެ. މިވަގުތާއި ހަމައަށް އިންތިޙާބުގެ ނަތީޖާއަށް ބަލާއިރު ޕީއޭ އާއި ޑީއާރުޕީ އަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ މެންބަރުންނަށް ވަނީ ވެރިކަންކުރާ އެމްޑީޕީގެ މައްޗަށް ކުރި ހޯދާފައެވެ.
ނިމިދިޔަ އިންތިޙާބުގައި އެމްޑީޕީ
"އިންސާނުންނަކީ ޙާލަތާއި ވަގުތަށްބަލައި އެބައިމީހުންގެ ވިސްނުމާއި ފިކުރު ބަދަލުކުރުމުގެ ކުޅަދާނަކަން ލިބިފައިވާ ބައެއްކަން މިއީ އިންސާނުންނާއި ޑީލްކުރާ ކޮންމެ މުނާސަބަތެއްގައިވެސް ވިންނަންޖެހޭ ވަރަށް މުހިންމު ނުކުތާއެއް" (ތޯމަސް 2001). ނަމަވެސް މިފަދަ ވިސްނުމެށްނެތި އިންސާނުންނާއި ޑީލްކޮށްފިނަމަ އެކަމެއް ފަނުފުލުން ދިއުމަކީ ހަމައެކަނި ނިކުންނާނެ ނަތީޖާކަން، ނިމިދިޔަ އިންތިހާބުންވެސް ވަނީ ދައްކުވައިދީފައެވެ. މިފަހަރުގެ އިންތިޙާބުގައި އެމްޑީޕީގެ ފަރާތުން 75 ވާދަކޮށް ގޮނޑީގެ ނިސްބަތުން ބޮޑު ކާމިޔާބެއް ލިބިފައި ނުވާ ސަބަބުތަކަށް ބަލާއިރު، އެތެރޭގެ ކޯޅުމާއި ކެމްޕޭން ކުރުމުގައި ގެންގުޅުނު ސިޔާސަތުތައް މިއީ އެކާމާއި މެދުވިސްނައި މުތާލިއާ ކުރަންޖެހޭނެ ކަންތައްތަކެކެވެ.

ކެނޑިޑޭޓުން ހޮވުމުގައި އެތެރޭގެ ޕްރައިމެރީ ބޭއްވުން އެއީ ހަމަ އެންމެ ރަނގަޅުކަމެވެ. ނަމަވެސް މިއުޅެނީ ރައްޔިތުންގެ ކުރިމައްޗަށް ޕާޓީ އާއި ރައްޔިތެއް ތަމްސީލު ކުރާނެ މީހެއް ނެރުމަށް ކަމުގައި ވާއިރު، އެމީހާ ގެ މާކެޓިން ވެލުޔުއަށް ވިސްނުން އެއީ މުހިންމު ނުކުތާއެކެވެ. މިދަންނަވަނީ ސިޔާސީގޮތުން އެމީހަކީ ތަސައްރަފު ފުދިފައިވާ މީހެއްތޯ އަދި ސިޔާސީ ހަރަކާތްތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން ގިނަ ރައްޔިތުން ބަލައިގަންނަ ފަދަ ޕްރޮފައިލެއް އޮތް މީހެއްތޯ ބަލަން ޖެހޭ ވާހަކައެވެ.

ދެވަނައަށް އެމްޑީޕީއަށް އެޅިފައިވާ ޅައެއްޗަކީ އެމްޑީޕީއަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ އެއްކެނޑިޑޭޓުންނަށްވުރެ ގިނަކެނޑިޑޭޓުންތަކެއް އެއްދާއިރާއަކަށް ވާދަކުރުމުގެ ސަބަބުން އެއްޕާޓީއަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ ވޯޓުތަށް ބެހިގެންގޮސްފައިވުމެވެ. މިފަދަ ގޮތަކަށް ޕާޓީން ގިނަމެންބަރުން އެއްދާއިރާއަށް ނިކުނަނީ ތިންސަބަބަކާހުރެކަމަށް ދިރާސާކުރާ ފަރާތްތަކުން ހާމަކުރެއެވެ. "ފުރަތަމަ ސަބަބަކީ އިދިކޮޅު ފަރާތަށް ގެއްލުން ދިނުމުގެ ގޮތުން ވޯޓުތަށް ބައިބައިކޮށްލުމާއި ޕާޓީގެ ކެނޑިޑޭޓުންގެ މެދުގައި "މާކެޓް ވެލިޔު" ޤަބޫލުކުރުމުގައި ހިޔާލު ތަފާތުވުމުގެ ސަބަބުންނާއި، ޕާޓީއަށް ނާކާމިޔާބުވި ކަމުގައިވިޔަސް ނިސްބަތުން ޕާޓީއަށް ލިބޭ ވޯޓުގެ ޢަދަދު ގިނަކުރުން ހިމެވެއެވެ. މިގޮތުން ގޮނޑީގެ ނިސްބަތުން ނާކާމިޔާބު ލިބުނުކަމުގައިވިސް، ރައްޔިތުންގެ ވިސްނުމާއި ކުޅެލުމަށްޓަކައި ބަލިވާ ޕާޓީން އެބައިމީހުންނަށް ރައްޔިތުންގެ ބޮޑުބައެއްގެ ސަޕޯޓް އޮތަކަން ދައްކާ، ނަފްސާނީގޮތުން އިދިކޮޅު ފަރާތްތަކުގެ ވިސްނުމާއި ކުޅެލައެވެ"(ވިންސަން 2005). މިއިންތިޙާބުގައި މިކަން މިވަނީ ވަރަށްވެސް ފާޅުކަންބޮޑުގޮތަކަށް ފެނިގެންގޮހެވެ. އެމްޑީޕީގެ ކެނޑިޑޭޓުންގެ މެދުގައި ވޯޓުތަށް ބެހުމުގެ ސަބަބުން ޕާޓީގެ ކެނޑިޑޭޓަށް ގޮނޑި ލިބުމުގެ ބަދަލުގައި ދާއިރާގެ އަގުލަބިއްޔަތު ޕާޓީއަށް ލިބިގެންދިއުމެވެ.

ތިންވަނައަށް އެމްޑީޕީއަށް ނާކާމިޔާބާއި ކުރިމަތިލާންޖެހުނުސަބަބަކީ ކެނޑިޑޭޓުން ކެންޕެއިން ކުރުމުގައި ގެންގުޅުނު ސިޔާސަތާއި ފާޓީގެ އިސްވެރިން ކެނޑިޑޭޓުން ޕްރޮމޯޓް ކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ގެންގުޅުނު ސިޔާސަތުތަށް އެލައިން ނުވުމާއި، ރިޔާސީއިންތިހާބުގެ ކާމިޔާބީ އެމްޑީޕީން މާނަކުރުމުގެ އެހެންޕާޓީތަކުގެ ހިއްސާ މަދުން ހިމެނުމާއި، އަދި ރިޔާސީ އިންތިހާބަށްފަހު ރައީސުލް ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ "އަބުއި" ރައީސެއްގެ ގޮތުގައި ރައްޔިތުނަށް ފެނިގެން ނުދިޔުން އެއީ މިފަހަރުގެ އިންތިހާބު ނާކާމިޔާބު ވުމުގެސަބަބެވެ. ކުރީގެ ރައީސް މައުމޫނާއި ހިލާފަށް ރައީސް ނަޝީދަކީ އެބޭފުޅާގެ ވާހަކަދެއްކުމުގައި ވަރަށްވެސް ސީދަލަށް ބަސްބުނުމާއި އަމިއްލަ ދިރިއުޅުމުގައި ހުންނަ ސަކަ މިޒާޖު ޕޮރޮފެޝަންގައިވެސް ބޭނުންކުރާބޭފުޅެކެވެ. ނަމަވެސް ދިވެހިންނަށް ރައީސުލް ޖުމްހޫރިއްޔާ ސިފަވަނީ ކުރީގެ އިންފޮމޭޝަން މިނިސްޓަރ ނަޝީދު ވިދާޅުވެފައިވާގޮތަށް ވަރައްވެސް އަބުއި، ވާހަކަ ދެކުމުގައި ވަރައްވެސް ބަލާޢާތްތެރި ބަސްތަށް ބޭނުންކުރުމާއި ހިންގާބިނގާވެ އުޅުމުގައި މުޑުމައިތިރި މީހެއްގެ ގޮތުގައެވެ. (ނުނިމޭ
